School Supply List
Deliver to 1st-hour teacher:
1 container of Disinfecting Wipes
2 boxes of tissues
Essential items to be carried with you to each class. No specific brands are required. Please only carry what is needed, leaving any extras at home:
Red pen
Colored pencils
Four Function Calculator
Headphones or earbuds - must be a standard headphone jack
Thin markers
2 or more dry erase markers
Glue stick
3 Ring Binder - 2 inch 3 ring binder used for Math
3 Ring Binder - for Science
Loose-leaf paper
Dividers for notebooks
2 Composition notebook for Science
1 Composition notebook for Geography
1 Composition notebook for English Language Arts
1 Folder with pockets and brads for each class (excluding math)
Additional supplies needed:
Band Students: Please refer to the needed band supplies found in the Band Guidelines. These guidelines will be available on or just before the first day of school.
Art Students: Please carry 2 fine and 2 extra fine sharpies, an individual pencil sharpener, 2 large glue sticks, and a plastic two-pocket folder.
Choir Students: 1 package of 3x5 notecards
Native American Literature: Single-subject spiral or composition notebook
Fees can be paid through InTouch Receipting
Gym shirt - $15
STEM - $10
Spanish - $9
Art - $25
Choir - $20
FACS - $10