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School Supply List

Deliver to 1st-hour teacher:

  • 1 container of Disinfecting Wipes

  • 2 boxes of tissues

Essential items to be carried with you to each class. No specific brands are required. Please only carry what is needed, leaving any extras at home:

  • Pencils
  • Red pen
  • Colored pencils
  • Scissors
  • Eraser
  • Four Function Calculator
  • Headphones or earbuds - must be a standard headphone jack
  • Thin markers
  • 2 or more dry erase markers
  • Glue stick
  • Highlighter
  • 3 Ring Binder - 2 inch 3 ring binder used for Math
  • 3 Ring Binder - for Science
  • Loose-leaf paper
  • Dividers for notebooks
  • 2 Composition notebook for Science
  • 1 Composition notebook for Geography
  • 1 Composition notebook for English Language Arts
  • 1 Folder with pockets and brads for each class (excluding math)

Additional supplies needed:

Band Students: Please refer to the needed band supplies found in the Band Guidelines. These guidelines will be available on or just before the first day of school.

Art Students: Please carry 2 fine and 2 extra fine sharpies, an individual pencil sharpener, 2 large glue sticks, and a plastic two-pocket folder.

Choir Students: 1 package of 3x5 notecards

Native American Literature: Single-subject spiral or composition notebook

Fees can be paid through InTouch Receipting 
  • Gym shirt - $15

  • STEM - $10

  • Spanish - $9

  • Art - $25

  • Choir - $20

  • FACS - $10

**If you can’t secure these supplies due to financial need or any other reason, please reach out to one of our principals or counselors and they will get you taken care of.