How do I add money to my student’s lunch account?
Please visit the OPS Child Nutrition page.
*Information on free and reduced lunch applications can also be found on this site.
How do I know what bus I ride and where/when it will pick me up?
Follow the link for InfoFinder Address Lookup for current bus route information (this information is subject to change so double-check this as the first day approaches). Bus riders must be aware of what round they are to be dismissed in the afternoon.
What is the phone number for attendance?
Who is my counselor?
If you have any specific questions you can email your student’s counselor:
Terri Vaughn (Last Name A-K)
Caitlin Grimsey (Last Name L-Z)
Where do students go when they arrive at school?
Those students who arrive at school before 7:50 a.m. should do the following:
Students not eating breakfast will report to the gym until dismissal by the duty teacher. Those eating breakfast (it is free!) will report to the cafeteria for breakfast until dismissal.
Students who arrive at 7:50-8:00 a.m. should go directly to their first-hour class.
What is my locker number?
To help with traffic flow, we will not be assigning lockers at this time. Students may carry backpacks to all classes. Email one of our Assistant Principals Mitchell Haun or Amber McMath should you have a special circumstance.
Can I have a schedule change?
We do not make schedule changes due to teacher preferences. Schedule change requests will be accepted, however, the class capacity will make those requests difficult to accommodate. The schedule change request form is on the counselor webpage. Notification will be emailed only if that schedule has been modified.
How do I know what lunch I will have?
Lunches will be determined by the student’s fourth-period teacher. Students will find out their lunch period on the first day of school during their first hour so that we can balance the seating.
Where do I find the school supply list?
The supply list can be found under the Parent section on this site.
What do I bring on the first day of school?
Students will only need paper and a pencil for the first two days. You are encouraged to bring all of your supplies as soon as you are able.
Are there any fees I can pay online?
All OPS campuses are now accepting online payments using InTouch Receipting. If your child is enrolled in Art, Band, Choir, Physical Education, Spanish, or STEM/Technology, there may be a small fee for consumables associated with these classes. You can pay these fees via InTouch or during the first few weeks of school by cash or check.
May I use my own electronic device?
OPS requires students to use the school Chromebook device given to each student on Friday, Aug 13th. These devices have safeguards in place to help students avoid things that are not appropriate for the school setting. Students should make sure their Chromebooks are charged at night so that they are ready for use in the morning.
Please visit the Owasso 7th Grade Center website and Facebook/7GC for updates throughout the year.